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2018 Has Been a Great Year for Barton Academy!

    Barton Academy for Advanced World Studies is closer than ever to becoming a reality. Thanks to the combined efforts of volunteers on the Barton Academy Foundation Board and staff of Mobile County Public Schools, it is now expected that construction will begin in the second half of 2019, with the first class of students beginning in 2020.
    This special public school will provide the opportunity-of-a-lifetime for the 300 students selected each year to attend. Mobile County Public School System reports that 51% of the system’s students are from low-to-moderate income level families. System-wide, students are from household levels as follows: 15% are considered Extremely Low, 35% are considered Low, 25% are considered Moderate, and just 25% are considered Middle or Upper Income. Despite these low household incomes, 6th-9th grade students from around the county will be able to attend a high-quality, rigorous school in the heart of Mobile’s business district.


    Barton Academy will have a strenuous, advanced curriculum of world studies, including STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics). By completion of ninth grade, it is expected that each student will be proficient in at least one language other than English and will easily transition to one of Mobile’s signature academy-level high school programs,
particularly the International Studies Academy, International Baccalaureate Academy, University of Alabama Early College Academy or Military Academy at Murphy High School.
    As a port city with many international companies and significant global commerce, Mobile should groom its youth from an early age to lead in today’s worldwide economy. ASIA Society research has shown that


students who experience an internationally-focused program investigate the world beyond their immediate environments; recognize the perspectives of others; communicate ideas effectively with diverse audiences, thus bridging cultural barriers; and view themselves as players in the world. Barton Academy’s students will be fortunate to have the opportunity to learn these skills.

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The Anne-Marie Cottage, also known as the Spear House, in photo from the late 1960s.

Photo courtesy of Hays Thompson, The Doy Leale McCall Rare Book& Manuscript Library, University of South Alabama.

Join us for Jazz Under the Oaks on Nov. 9
Buy tickets here or call 251-434-8498

        You are invited to join other supporters of Barton Academy Foundation for an evening under the oaks at the historic Anne-Marie Cottage, which was built in 1838 at 453 Conti Street. Owners Stephen and Anne Carter and Campaign Chairman John Peebles and his wife Allison will be hosting an evening gathering featuring live music by the Excelsior Band. Timed to coincide with the monthly LoDa Artwalk, the party will run from 6-9:00 p.m. Weather permitting, guests will be able to tour historic Barton Academy with architect Bill Hines of Mobile County Public Schools. Tickets are $125, including a $100 tax deduction. Reserve your ticket here or call 251-434-8498. Funds raised by the event will go toward construction costs for the renovation of Barton Academy.
    We gratefully acknowledge the support of Cris Eddings, of restaurants El Papi, Chuck’s Fish and Five; Moet & Chandon; Gulf Distributing Company of Mobile; Gwin’s Commercial Printing; Willow Bridge, Inc.; and SOHO Events and Rentals.

Outlaw-Atchison Family Makes Generous Gift

      Karen Outlaw Atchison and her mother Dot Smith Outlaw are the granddaughter and daughter, respectively, of Wright Smith, Jr., a 1918 graduate of Barton. The son of Mobile’s first City Engineer and later a successful businessman, Smith was a director of the Merchants National Bank and an original member of the Mobile Water and Sewer Board and the Mobile Museum of Art. When Karen and Dot learned of the opportunity to name a classroom in the new Barton Academy for him, they knew it was something they should do.

    “Barton Academy is not only an iconic building. It’s been important to the fabric of the architecture and history of our city. It’s been there all our lives and just had to be saved to continue to serve an important role in Mobile,” Karen stated.  
    The Outlaw family has a history of service to the community and a legacy of philanthropy. Arthur Robert Outlaw loved Mobile and served as Public Safety Commissioner from 1965-69, then was elected Mayor of Mobile’s first Mayor-Council form of government in 1985. Dot served for many years on the Board of the Child Advocacy Center and the Mobile ASPCA.


 Karen serves on the Barton Academy Foundation Board as well as being Chairman of the Board of Visit Mobile.
    The Barton Academy Foundation appreciates the generous gifts made by both Karen and Dot. Find more information on honoring someone with a gift to Barton Academy here.


Is One of These Men Your Grandfather or Great Grandfather?

This photo of young men was taken in May of 1906. They are described as being members of the Barton Academy graduating class of 1906 and are identified as: kneeling, left to right: Jack Courtney, J.B. Daves, W.G. Overton, Jr., George Matzenger, and Ed A. DeMiller.  Standing, left to right, are Albert Hart, Harry C. Dawson, Professor Robert B. McGehee, Jesse N. Barnes, Eugene DeS. Bright, Louis J. Heber, W.W. Reed, John B. Hazelhurst, Professor B.B. Baker, A.L. Clothier, George E. Spencer. The woman in the center is Miss Edith Duffee, identified as a “teacher.” If you are related to any of these Barton grads and know stories about the school, please share them with us. And if you have any photos from the period, we’d love to see those, too.

Donors in 2018

    During 2018, new and repeat donors have given and pledged more than $800,000. We are very appreciative of their votes to return historic Barton Academy to a public school serving grades 6-9.
    To join the list of 2018 donors, donate here or mail a check to Barton Academy Foundation, P. O. Box 571, Mobile 36601. And remember that The Ben May Charitable Trust will match your gift!

Donors from January through September, 2018:

Find a full list of our donors here.


Aaron Oil Company
Mrs. N.Q. Adams
Tish van Aken
Alabama Power Foundation
Bill and Jessica Barrick
J.L. Bedsole Foundation
Cartledge W. Blackwell, III
Burr & Forman LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Caddell
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Carter
James W. Cook, Jr.
The Very Reverend Johnny and Mrs. Mary Cook
Crampton Trust
Daniel Foundation of Alabama
Rhonda Davis
David  DeLaney
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Dodge
Perrin Drew
Will Ferniany
Sally Knott Gibbons
Irvin Grodsky
Robert Hanks
Raymond  Hester

Amanda Inge

Herndon Inge

The Lillian C. McGowin Foundation

Charles E. and Evelyn B. McNeil Fund/CFSA

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Meaher

Lisa Mitchell Charitable Foundation

Ann Bodden Mosley

Geri Moulton

Charlotte Naylor

The Laura Lee Pattillo Norquist Charitable     


David and Sally Pearsall

Tyler and Martha Peek

Michael E. Riddle

John Schley Rutherford, Jr.

Mary Hunter Slaton

Garland and Lathrop Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Snider

Sophiella Gallery

Elizabeth String

Nicholas A. Vrakelos

Steve and Lucy Weinstein

Nancy Foster Whiteley

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A Message from
Mayor Sandy Stimpson

    “The Barton Academy for Advanced World Studies will be a very important tool in business development for our city, as companies are drawn to world-class cities with world-class educational systems. This positive growth is what we are all striving for. Barton Academy for Advanced World Studies is important to Mobile’s future.”

Double Your Contribution

        The pledge from The Ben May Charitable Trust is a challenge grant to encourage contributions by matching donors’ gifts, making it possible to double the effect of your gift. And multi-year pledges are accepted.
    Make a gift online here. You may also mail a check to Barton Academy Foundation, P. O. Box 571, Mobile, AL 36601. All gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the IRS.


Fascinating Facts
about Barton Academy


  • The city block on which the building sits cost $2,750 when purchased in 1830.

  • The original iron fencing was purchased from R. E. Redwood of New York City in 1837 for $4,000 and arrived on the Lewis Cass directly from England. In 1861 Alabama authorities seized the ship and later turned it over to the Confederate navy.

  • A lightning rod was installed on the building in 1837 at a cost of $109.50.

  • The building was used as a hospital during the yellow fever epidemic of 1853 and during the Civil War.

  • Although the original construction cost was $100,000, the building was sold by the sheriff for $15,000 in 1840 to help cover the debt on the building. A group of citizens immediately raised money to buy it back.

  • Until 1911, Barton Academy was separated into two schools: one for males and one for females.

  • In 1970 Barton was entered into the National Register of Historic Places.

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Download a pdf copy of our Fall 2018 Newsletter here.

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